Eclectic IM-probabilities / Radu Rodideal
18.09.2018 - 13.10.2018

Radu Rodideal “Eclectic IM-probabilities”


Radu Rodideal, nascut 1986 in Bucuresti, este unul din tinerii artisti ce se ivesc pe scena de arta a Bucurestiului. Metropola balcanica este unul dintre cele mai fierbinti puncte de intersectie eclectica, viteza si repaos, extravaganta si murdarie, vechi si nou, bogatie si saracie, posibilitati si imposibilitati, in viata, in arhitectura, in fata orasului, arta si stil de viata. Pretudindeni, permanent. “In jungla asta ne miscam permanent, si invatam repede, I’M <eu sunt> combina toate acestea, toata lumea este I’M”, spune artistul. “Traim singuri si murim singuri” singuratatea in eclectism e conceptul nostru, si e responsabilitatea noastra sa facem ceva cu asta.”

Radu Rodideal descrie Bucurestiul, lumea si societatea de azi, in felul sau. Patterne, culori, linii puternice, unghiuri corect calculate matematic, umbre si perspective ce dau acel sentiment recognoscibil din mica noastra lume, cu care creierul nostru este obisnuit.

Artistul si-a dezvoltat proiectul ca pe o lume eclectica, ce contine elemnte geometrice juxtapuse cu elemente figurative, ce uneori amintesc de arta baroca. “Caravaggio a fost un tip cool, a fost un criminal, dar cred ca a fost un tip cool” Radu Rodideal il admira inca de la inceput pe pictorul baroc si a invatat multe de la el. El a transformat drapajele caracteristice intr-un vocabular contemporan cu elementele artei construtiviste. La inceput, nu a crezut posibila imbinarea constructivismului-geometric cu situatii din viata de zi cu zi, dar intr-o lume eclectica orice este posibil, sau cel putin, probabil, universul artificial geometric coexistand cu intimitatea cotidiana. Astfel, gasim elemente pictate realist, cum ar fi: par, pantofi, carnatie si mereu haine (“Caravaggio a fost un tip cool”) in dialog cu formele zdrentuite care de multe ori par coincidente, concomitent calculate matematic.

Personajele din lucrarile sale sunt mereu singure, artistul ar spune “I’M” <eu sunt>. Ele isi joaca rolul intr-un univers eclectic al culorilor si al formelor manifestate in linii clare, ce potenteaza efectul de singuratate. Doar observatorul, ce le descopera treptat ca un voyeur, transcede dincolo de scena si devine parte din ea. Mereu apare aceeasi intrebare “Ce s-a intamplat?”

In toate compozitiile, cromatica muta a decorului joaca un rol central. In contrastul de forme, culoarea sustine tot contextul si aduce tensiune.

Ne intrebam daca eclectismul poate fi prea mult, daca poate fi deranjant, daca poate fi mai mult decat ne place si percepem, a fost raspunsa insasi de viata. Da, poate fi prea mult si improbabil, dar I’M <eu sunt> da acea perceptie posibila. Dovada vie sta in Bucurestiul de azi si in estetica contemporana din arta lui Radu Rodideal / Thomas Emmerling – curator, Cisnadioara, 31st August 2018


Radu Rodideal “Eclectic IM-probabilities”


Radu Rodideal, born 1986 in Bucharest, is one of the promising emerging artists from the freaky Bucharest Art Scene. The balkanic metropolis is one of the hottest melting pots in eclecticism, high-speed and slow-motion, fancy and dirty, old and new, poor and rich, possibilities and impossibilities,  in complete life, in architecture, the face of the city, art and life style.  Everywhere, permanent.  “In this jungle we are surfing every day to survive, and we learn fast “ I’M the one who combine it, everyone is I’M” the young artist says. “Everyone lives alone, everyone dies alone”, loneliness in eclectism is our concept, and we have responsibility to do something out of it.

Radu Rodideal describes Bucharest and society nowadays, like no one else. Patterns, colors, strong lines, mathematical correct calculated angles, shadows and perspectives are giving the homey feeling of a little world, our brain is used to.

Radu Rodideal develops his art as an eclectic world. It contains conceptual abstract art and baroque reminding on Caravaggio. “Caravaggio had been a cool guy, he had been a robber, but I think he had been a good guy” Radu Rodideal admires the Italian Baroque painter and he learned a lot from him. He transformed the characteristic dress-folds by the master into a contemporary vocabulary with elements of constructive art. First Radu Rodideal thought it is not possible to combine constructive art with daily life situations. In an eclectic world everything is possible, as well to combine both, the artificial universe of construction and intimate life situations. Therefore you will always find realistic painted elements like hair, shoes flesh and always clothes (“Caravaggio had been a cool guy”) in dialogue with the frayed shapes who appeals sometimes as coincidental, but they are always mathematical calculated.

The figures in his works are alone, Radu Rodideal would say “I’M”. They are acting in an eclectic world of colors and shapes which are manifested in clear lines, and exact this brings loneliness. Only the observer, discovering them in intimate moments like a voyeur, is breaking through the scene and becomes a part of it. Always the same question is coming up “What happened?”

In all the composition, the muted, modest colors playing the central role. In its contrast of colors and forms, the colors are carrying the whole situation and bringing tension into it.

The question if the eclecism could be too much, if it could be disturbing, if it could be more then we can stand with our senses, had been answered by life. Yes it could be too much and impossible, but I’M can make it possible. The proof can be found in Bucharest nowadays and in the own esthetic in the contemporary art of Radu Rodideal.