Omagiu Majestatii Sale Regele Mihai I al Romaniei


Omagiu Majestatii Sale Regele Mihai I al Romaniei

Salutul Regelui –  Liviu Mihai ( oil on canvas / 50 x 40 cm / year 2014)

Lucrarea va fi expusa in perioada 7-16 Decembrie la Art Yourself Gallery

“Doar tarziu, spre final de adolescenta, cand am avut acces la carti de istorie reala si informatii bulversante din care trebuia sa-mi definesc propria formare culturala, am inteles importanta istorica si politica a Regelui Mihai 1, am inteles si suferinta lui indurata departe de tara, am inteles si frica si lasitatea puterii pollitice din tara la momentul respectiv care l-au tinut departe, am inteles si faptul ca Romania ar fi aratat altfel cu Regele Mihai.” – Liviu Mihai /

“Odata cu Regele Mihai moare ultima suflare a verticalitatii noastre. Moare epoca care a faurit Romania Mare, cu patriotism tacut, plin de iubire si tenacitate. Acelasi patriotism cu care Regele si-a trait exilul, in tristete si tacere, dar cu speranta ca poporul sau nu va inceta sa il iubeasca.

Regele Mihai va domni peste Romania Lui, de acum incolo, pentru eternitate. Piedicile s-au dat la o parte si Romania isi ia Regele inapoi dupa aproape jumatate de secol, pentru totdeauna.” – Oana Barbulescu

It was only late, during my late adolescence , when I had access to some authentic history books, that I realized the historical and political importance of King Michael I. Only then I understood the pain he endured during his long exile period and also the sordid attitude of the Romanian authorities towards our King after 1990. But the most important thing which I realized was the way my country would have faced the world if ruled by our King – King Michael of Romania.

The last piece of dignity and nobility within the Romanian people vanishes along with the death of King Michael I.

Along with King Michael’s I disappearance an era dies. The era which has built and unified the modern Romania with a silent patriotism, full of infinite love and struggle. This was the patriotism King Michael I carried throughout all his exile period for his country and for his people, hoping that his “home” will never cease to love him. From now on, King Michael I will rule over Romania and over his people for eternity. All the boundaries are gone and Romania takes its King back forever.