17.09.2024 - 08.11.2024
- Opening event / Daniela Fainis & Gabriel Bodnariu 29.03.2018 - 28.04.2018
- Vernisaj Adrian Sandu / Circus Garden / Februarie, 2018 28.02.2018 - 27.03.2018
- A tribute to His Majesty King Mihai I of Romania 08.12.2017 - 08.01.2018
- A tribute to His Majesty King Mihai I of Romania 08.12.2017 - 08.01.2018
- A tribute to His Majesty King Mihai I of Romania 08.12.2017 - 08.01.2018
- Vernisaj Radu Rodideal /For the Love of Relevance si Amalia Dulhan / Reverie) 23.11.2017 - 16.01.2018
- Opening event: Radu Rodideal si Amalia Dulhan 23.11.2017 - 16.01.2018
- Opening event / ION IANCUT October, 2017 26.10.2017 - 21.11.2017
- Art Shopping Paris / Carrousel du Louvre / 2017 21.10.2017 - 31.10.2017
- Art Shopping Paris / Carrousel du Louvre 20.10.2017 - 22.10.2017
- Noaptea Alba a Galeriilor / 6 octombrie 2017 06.10.2017 - 07.10.2017
- 6th Anniversary Art Yourself Gallery – opening event 20.09.2017